舟越桂 Katsura
"The Sphinx Floats in Forest"
painted camphor wood, marble, leather, miscellaneous tree, steel
227.5 x 98 x 106 cm

"The Sphinx with Far Hand"
painted camphor wood, marble, leather, steel
110 x 90 x 40.5 cm

"Words Conveyed"
painted camphor wood, marble
100 x 59 x 41 cm
この度の個展では、肩に金具で留められた誰のものともつかない袖口に取り付けられた手が身体にそっと触れる様子が印象的な「遠い手のスフィンクス」や、口元をわずかに歪めた裸体の男性像「角をもたない理由(わけ)」など、新作彫刻5点と新作ドローイング10数点を発表します。また「スフィンクス」をテーマにした最新作として、腿までの裸体像を地面から伸びた4本の木で支え宙に浮かせた「森に浮くスフィンクス」では、これまでにない新たなかたちの追求を通じて、より深い作品世界を展開します。更なる進化を見せる舟越桂の彫刻にご期待下さい。 |
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition of the new
sculptures by Katsura Funakoshi from 7th November to 9th December,
We have shown his works continuously since 1985 and this is the tenth
solo-exhibition at our gallery.
Katsura Funakoshi is internationally renowned for his wooden sculptures
with marble eyes, which are almost all life-size figures from the
waist up. He is one of the foremost Japanese sculptors and the retrospective
show starting at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo and touring
around Japan from 2003 to 2004 was a great success.
Recently the exhibition was held in England and Germany, which juxtaposed
Funakoshi's works with the ones by Ernst Barlach, the great German
sculptor in the early 20th Century and in Japan the film "near
equal Funakoshi Katsura" reporting his domestic life and working
style was shown.
Funakoshi's early works are figurative sculptures with cloths by using
the models but recent works has been gradually changing to the naked
ones. The latest sculptures which subject is "Sphinx" with
both womanly breasts and a manly build express the beauty of the mystic
body transcending the gender.
We will show his 5 new sculptures and 10 drawings. "Reason with
No Horn" is a sculpture of naked man with his mouth slightly
screwing up and "The Sphinx with Far Hand" has impressive
hand of somebody touching softly the body. "The Sphinx Floats
in Forest" is totally new "Sphinx" sculpture, which
is floating in the air supported by four sticks.
Funakoshi always develops deeper world of beauty by searching the
new shape that nobody has ever seen .
27ページ / 図版 12点
20 x 21 cm
<テキスト Text>
「美」をめぐる対話 舟越桂+酒井忠康
On Beauty : A Conversation between Katsura Funakoshi and Tadayasu