Chieko OSHIE, Takanobu KOBAYASHI, Asae SOYA, Kae HIGUCHI, Atsuhiko MISAWA
7 April – 9 March 2009
日曜 月曜 祝日 休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays
西村画廊では、4 月7 日(火)から5 月9 日(土)まで「Drawings」を開催いたします。押江千衣子、曽谷朝絵を中心に小林孝亘、樋口佳絵、舟越桂、町田久美、三沢厚彦ら当画廊で定期的に個展を開催している人気作家の新作ドローイングに加え、これまで未発表となっていた旧作をあわせたドローイング展です。
押江は昨年、大原美術館が実施する美術家滞在制作プログラム、「アーティストインレジデンス ARKO2008」に参加しました。洋画家児島虎次郎の旧アトリエ無為村荘におよそ3 ヶ月間滞在し、倉敷の豊かな自然の中で制作をすすめました。外界との接触を最小限に保ち、一定期間山や木々と真摯に向き合うことで、押江の得意とする森や草花の瑞々しさや対象とそれを取り巻く空間とが一体となった臨場感などの表現に更なる磨きがかかることとなります。アトリエから出て、庭にある木の存在を感じながら実物を見て描くという事は、時間の移り変わりとともに変化する日差しや影などを相手に、今描いている目の前にあることだけを記録するということであり、そこでしかできない貴重な経験だったと作家は言います。今回の展覧会では、油彩作品の完成度につながるワーク・イン・プログレスを見ることのできる山や木々を描いた新作ドローイング「こだま」、「シャワー」などの新作4 点をはじめとし、2003 年から2005 年に文化庁芸術家在外研修でベルギー滞在中に描きためたヌードシリーズやヨウシュヤマゴボウをモチーフに、押江の作品を特徴づけるオイルパステルを用いて独自の観点から対象の形状や色彩を表現し注目を集めた当時の旧作も発表いたします。
また、繊細なタッチと巧みな色使いで個性を確立している曽谷朝絵は、透明感あふれる心地よさを感じさせる森が主題の「air」シリーズを展示いたします。バスタブを描いた油彩で非凡な才能が認知され、2007 年に開催された当画廊での個展も好評を得た人気作家の新たな可能性を体感できるドローイング作品です。弾む様に自由にひかれた筆触は、森のなかでざわめく草花や木々を連想させ、鮮やかな色彩は森を実際のそれ以上に光に溢れ、明るく華やかな世界へと変貌させているかのようです。また、このシリーズ「air」は、大阪梅田のブリーゼタワーの壁画として1 階から6 階の吹き抜け部分に拡大印刷され、たくさんの人の目を楽しませています。
その他毎日芸術賞や、2008 年度芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞を立て続けに受賞し第一線での活躍が目覚ましい舟越桂の新作、そして当画廊の本年2月の個展が好評を得た樋口佳絵による初めてのドローイング作品など、作家たちのひと味違った一面に出会うことのできる貴重な作品の数々にどうぞご期待下さい。
Nishimura Gallery is pleased to present “Drawings” from Tuesday April 7th to Saturday 9th. This time, we will show new drawings in addition to the earlier drawings by Chieko Oshie, Asae Soya besides Katsura Funakoshi, Takanobu Kobayashi, Kumi Machida, Atsuhiko Misawa, Kae Higuchi etc, who show their works regularly at Nishimura Gallery.
Oshie joined Artist in Residence 2008 at Ohara Museum of Art. She stayed in an old atelier called Muison-sou, an atelier formally owned by Torajiro Kojima who is also an artist, for 3 months and drew in majestic nature. She tried to keep herself away from the outside world and sincerely faced the mountains and trees for a fixed period of time. As a result, she became more and more skilled at her art as in expressing fresh flowers and the atmosphere surrounding the space and objects.
Oshie says it was a precious experience to step out of the atelier into the garden to draw real things, while feeling the existence of the trees. She says that it was as if to record the changes of the objects in front of her, due to the sunlight and shadows through out the day. This time, Oshie’s 4 new drawings of mountains and trees including “shower” and “kodama” are on display.
Furthermore, the “nude” series and some earlier drawings are also exhibited. The “nude series” were drawn while staying in Belgium by scholarship of Bureau of Cultural Properties, and the others are on American pokeweeds, drawn with oil pastels which were characteristic of her works at that time.
Asae Soya who asserts her individuality with delicate brushwork and in use of color shows “air” series on the subject of forests flooded with pellucid and comfortable atmosphere. This “air” series is a mural displayed from the ground floor to 6th floor of the Breeze Tower, Osaka, and it has delighted many people since it has first appeared.
Katsura Funakoshi, the artist in the first line, exhibits new 3 drawings. He won Mainichi Art Award and The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Art Encouragement Prize in succession. For Kae Higuchi, this is the first exhibition of drawings. She gained public favor in her solo exhibition. In this exhibition, you can see new aspects of each artists and their valuable works.
押江千衣子 OSHIE Chieko
Oshie was bon in 1969 in Osaka prefecture, graduated from Kyoto City University of Art in 1995. She lives in Osaka. she uses the oil pastels with her fingers all over a canvas. Her paintings represent the loving and the closeness toward the subjects. She was awarded Takashimaya Charitable Trust for Art and Culture Prize, VOCA Prize and Kyoto City Art Prize. In 2007, the exhibition “In the Forest” showing paintings drawn in bright green oil pastel at Kumanokodo and through the paintings, she interprets the dense atmosphere of dark green forest and the ranging mountains of Kumano. This time, Oshie shows the drawing that she painted a landscape in Belgium. She joined Artist in Residence Kurashiki, Ohara(Ohara Museum of Art) in 2008.
小林孝亘 KOBAYASHI Takanobu
Kobayashi was born in Tokyo, 1960. Graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts in 1986. Now he lives and works in Bangkok and Tokyo. He was awarded VOCA Encouragement Prize in 1996 and his solo exhibition in our gallery was held same year.Kobayashi’s major works ar oil paintings of daily-life subject, such as tablewares, a bench at a park or tale lights of a car, although they are depicted in his unique way. Kobayashi uses heavily thick paint to express quiet light subject, such as stillness, and tries to reveal unseen in ordinary moments. In his recent works he is focusing more on human figures, including “Small Death” series, “Sunbather” series, and “Portrait” series, which are the first time for him to paint human faces with his/her eyes open. kobayashi’s refined spirituality is now recognized internationally. He exhibits new painterly drawings and old one with pencil in this exhibition.
曽谷朝絵 SOYA Asae
Soya was born in 1974 in Kanagawa prefecture, and conferred a doctorate for painting major of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 2006. She draws a bathtub and her paintings are full of light. She was awarded the grand prize “The 6th Exhibition of Showa Shell Sekiyu Contemporary Art Prize” in 2001 and VOCA Prize in 2002. She had her first solo exhibition in Nishimura Gallery in 2007. In this exhibition, she shows new drawing in watercolors with emphasis. In this exhibition, She exhibits many drawings of the “air” series which are used for a mural of BREEZE TOWER.
樋口佳絵 HIGUCHI Kae
1975年宮城県生まれ。1997年東北生活文化大学卒業。宮城県仙台市在住。2005年宮城県芸術選奨新人賞受賞、2007年VOCA展で大原美術館賞受賞 。テンペラ特有の白く霞んだ優しい色彩を用いて、子供の姿を描く。愛らしさの裏に潜む刺を繊細にとらえた作品で注目を集めている。 ドローイング作品の発表は本展が初めてとなる。
Higuchi was born in 1975 in Miyagi prefecture, graduated from the Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka College in 1997, and had her first solo exhibition in Nishimura Gallery in 2005. She lives and works in Sendai, Miyagi. In 2005, she was awarded Young Artist Prize of Miyagi Prefecture and Ohara Museum of Art Prize at VOCA 2007. Her major works are paintings, which are delicately capturing recollective and cinematic visions, usually of infants, lovely but carrying a sting on the other side, with gentle colors of tempera. This is the first exhibition of her drawings.
舟越桂 FUNAKOSHI Katsura
Funakoshi was born in 1951 in Iwate prefecture, graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music in 1977, and has been exhibiting his works in Nishimura Gallery since 1985. His major works are sculptures of half-length figure, marble-eyed and curved out from kusu wood, which is now internationally recognized and applauded for its poetic presence and keen sense of silence. In his recent years, he is working on series of sculptures which representing a symbolic character of “sphinx.” Its superhuman and universal existence is reinforcing more of his originality. He was awarded “Mainichi Art Award” and “The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Art Encouragement Prize” in 2009.
町田久美 MACHIDA Kumi
1970年群馬県生まれ。1994年多摩美術大学卒業。東京都在住。2007年Sovereign Asian Art Prize受賞。雲肌麻紙に細い墨線を幾度も重ね、しなやかさと強度をあわせもった線で、インパクトあるモチーフが特徴的な絵画を制作する。2008年2月にドイツ・ハノーバーのkestnergesellschaftで美術館での初個展を開催、また高崎市タワー美術館での個展、西村画廊での新作個展も好評で、幅広く注目を集めている期待の作家。現在は文化庁芸術家在外研修員としてデンマークに滞在中。
Machida was born in 1970 in Gunma prefecture, graduated from Tama Art University in 1994. She lives and works in Koganei, Tokyo. Her first exhibition at our gallery was held in 2004. She uses such traditional mediums for nihonga, just as kumohada paper, sumi ink or mineral pigments, to paint nonesuch, among not only in the field of nihonga but also any other pictorial art today. Uniquely, she “paints” lines; in her works, each line is rigorous accumulation of extremely thin lines, and the lines are making strict compositions to symbolize her vertiginous ideas. She is among the most remarkable young artists internationally at this present. This year, Machida’s first exhibition in the museum was held in Hannover, Germany. Her solo exhibition in this year also overwhelmed the viewers. Now, She stays in Denmark as Foundation for Cultural Administration by Agency for Cultural Affairs.
三沢厚彦 MISAWA Atsuhiko
Misawa was born 1961 in Kyoto, graduated Tokyo National University of Arts and Music in 1989. Now he lives and works in Chigasaki, Kanagawa. In 2000, his first solo exhibition at our gallery, “Animals” was highly applaused. In 2001, he was awarded the Hirakushi Denchu Prize. His major works are wooden sculptures of various animals, lively, wild and humorous. The retrospective exhibition “ANIMALS+” is toured around Japan in 2007 – 2008, which has started from Hiratsuka Museum of Art. The exhibition is evaluated as Misawa excitingly set a new aspect for wooden sculpture. From this spring to summer, he will holds a solo exhibition at Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art and group exhibition at Mercian Karuizawa Museum of Art.